Week of Compassion Offering to be received
We worship a God who gives, generously and abundantly. God gives to all creatures their food in due season, and from God’s open hand the desire of every living thing is satisfied.
God has given us so many blessings:
- The food we eat
- the friends and family we cherish
- the precious gift of God’s love for us, a love that led Jesus to lay down his life for us.
When that love abides in us, we cannot refuse to help our brothers and sisters in need. Through our regular offerings we serve the community around us in many, countless ways.
Through the special offering for Week of Compassion, we join with other Christians to make our presence known to people who might feel forgotten – the hungry, the hurting, the thirsty, the sick. Our gifts, together, provide food, shelter, comfort, and safety all over the world.
The Week of Compassion offering is a way we can contribute to the making life better for so many people when we join with our fellow congregations to give funds to address some basic needs for those in need regardless of their circumstances or where they live. The funds we provide held to feed, clothe, and house many people throughout the world. When a disaster strikes in the United States we are a part of the care and rebuilding of those displaced. As we give to the Week of Compassion offering remember we can help so many by or gifts and our prayers.
Please give generously to the Week of Compassion on Sundays, Feb 26 & Mar 5.