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Planned Giving

What will your legacy be?

Since 1885, First Christian Church has been a vibrant presence in Concord and the world beyond.   By including First Christian in your estate plan, you will leave a legacy of support for the church’s mission in worship, education and service.  Bequest gifts can build our endowment or go for a priority you designate. Designated gifts are used as directed to the fullest extent possible, while endowment gifts provide vital, ongoing support to the church.

Recent bequest gifts provided funding for our worship band, for work in progress to cool our primary worship and meeting areas, as well as to help support our youth programs with youth building upgrades and funds to send youth to church camp. 

What will your gift be?

For more information about bequest gifts, please contact our church office.

Gifts to honor your loved ones

Memorial Gifts

Memorial Gifts honor your loved ones’ beliefs and passions when they pass away, and all memorial gifts are recorded in our Book of Remembrance in our lobby.

Recent memorial gifts have provided funds for new screens in our renovated sanctuary, new drapes in our lobby, materials for our Worship & Wonder children's program, and new blinds for our youth building.

Tribute Gifts

Tribute Gifts provide a way to honor your family and friends long after they have passed. Tribute Gifts often are given to mark anniversaries or birthdays, but may be made at any time.  These gifts also are recorded in our Book of Remembrance.

Recent Tribute Gifts have provided funding for new chairs and a new ceiling tile system in Fellowship Hall, and camp scholarships for our youth.

Making a Memorial or Tribute Gift

To make a Memorial or Tribute Gift to First Christian Church, please send a check, along with a note explaining who you are honoring, to:

First Christian Church
3039 Willow Pass Road
Concord, CA 94519

Attention: Planned Giving

Special Offerings

Disciple Mission Funds

Application for Planned Giving Funds