Who We Are
We are a diverse community of hope that is learning and growing together in faith, love, and joy. With God's help, we work together for God's peace and justice, to explore practices of Christian spirituality, and to serve our community and beyond.
We come with committed hearts, open minds, and loving hands.
Communion open to all
With committed hearts, FCC Concord celebrates Christ's invitation to all to gather at the communion table. We celebrate communion every week, and the open table is a powerful symbol of our deep commitment to Christian hospitality and unity.
Creative and uplifting worship
With committed hearts, FCC Concord reaches out to God during our weekly worship service. Through music and the arts, we seek new ways -- and revitalize old ones -- of worshiping God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
All means all, and all are welcome
With open minds, FCC Concord reaches out to all God's children. As an Open and Affirming congregation, everyone is welcome regardless of ethnic or racial heritage, gender, ability, sexual orientation, and economic or political status.
Inquiring believers
With open minds, FCC Concord reaches out to God with intellectual vitality and integrity, training women, men and children to be a priesthood of all believers. With imagination and curiosity, we seek God's word and God's gift of a living faith.
Putting our faith into action by serving others
With loving hands, FCC Concord reaches out to serve all God's children who suffer injustice, alienation, and indifference, so that all may live in dignity and comfort.
On a joyful journey
With loving hands, FCC Concord reaches out to God, participating in God's generosity. Joyfully we dedicate our time, talents, and finances to strengthen God's church and to help bring peace and justice to the world.
In the Region
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Northern California-Nevada is a covenantal community of 63 congregations and congregations in formation with approximately 6,000 participating members.