Special Offering: Reconciliation Ministry
On Sundays, September 25 and October 2, we’ll be receiving one of our six over-and-above Special Offerings that go directly to support ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This Special Offering is for Reconciliation Ministry. The theme of this offering is “Be Reconciled: Move, Heal, Bound Together.” These are simple words describing incredibly worthwhile and hard work. The message of Christ consistently beckons us toward each other, pushing our notions of what it means to live as the one body of Christ. “…First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 24) Throughout our faith tradition, Christians have been called to move against our nature to be at enmity with one another. We are admittedly a counter-cultural movement.
Your giving to Reconciliation Ministry is one way to help move us toward wholeness and empowers the Church to advance healing in our communities through safe and intentional dialogue. Through training and granting programs together we move from debate to dialogue. We as a church must live and act to demonstrate the love of God to a world so desperately in need of a Beloved Community. Let us take action and move in ways to show that love is stronger than hate.
For more information about Reconciliation Ministry, go to www.reconcilationministry.org