Finding a Way Forward in the Midst of a Culture of Violence and Fear
Following the recent onslaught of violence and hate that seems to permeate our culture – most of it fueled by racism, homophobia and fear – we have come to the realization that our prayers for peace are no longer enough. The time has come to do something. As people of faith we must find appropriate ways to respond to curb this culture of fear, violence and hate.
But what should we do? Where do we begin? Many of us feel called and convicted to act, but are at a loss of what we should do.
To begin to find answers to these questions, as a congregation we will begin a three-month program of discernment and education. To begin, during the month of August we will invite the congregation to read together a book about racism, Pre-Post-Racial America: Spiritual Stories from the Front Lines by Sandhya Jha. This book allows us a way to talk about the hot topic of racism in America in a way that is grounded in real people’s stories and that offers solid biblical grounding for thinking about race relations, reminding us that God calls us to build Beloved Community. Sandhya is a friend of the congregation, and will be a guest preacher on July 31! During August we’ll have two discussion groups as we read this book together – on Sunday mornings at 9am, and one on Wednesday evenings at 7p. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the church starting soon.
In September we’ll be holding a day-long training event on dismanteling racism. Dates and details will be made available soon, once they are confirmed.
Finally, in October we’ll be holding a conversation led by members of the Justice Commission of the Christian Church in Northern California/Nevada about how we, as a congregation, can move forward and put our efforts into working to end hate, fear and violence in our culture and community. We’ll be using the Circle of Inquiry process. Again, dates and details will be made available soon, once they are confirmed.