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Imagine Together: Dedicating Ourselves and Our Work to God

  • First Christian Church, Concord (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Imagine Together: Dedicating Ourselves and Our Work to God

Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor, preaching

During September and October, we have examined the book of Nehemiah. In summary, Nehemiah was a Jewish leader and trusted servant of a Persian King during the exile. He was permitted to return to Jerusalem and take on the impossible task of rebuilding the walls and gates of the city. Rebuilding the walls symbolized the physical construction of the “building” and the spiritual formation of the faith community. Nehemiah was met with doubt, fear, and opposition almost from the beginning. However, despite all the challenges, Nehemiah and his people had faith in God and did what was impossible together. They completed the rebuilding of the walls and the gates in 52 days because the people had a mind to work, and they were committed to completing this work for their faith community.

In October, I invited us to “Imagine Together” what God can do through us as we use our heads, hands, and hearts to respond to God’s love for us and our church. I invited you to pray for our faith community, asking, “O God, how do you want to make yourself known at this time, in this community, through this church?”

This week is Commitment Sunday. We are invited to make our commitment to our church with our heads, hands, and hearts - our time, talent, and treasure. During worship, we will bring our commitment cards forward with our regular tithes and offerings. This is a time of celebration! We have an opportunity to give thanks for all God has done and will do in our lives, in our community, and through our church! We can continue to imagine together what God can do through us as we prepare for 2025.

Based on Nehemiah 12:27-30

Music this week:

  • Totally Available

  • Everyday

  • Eagle’s Wings

  • I Will Celebrate

  • Called as Partners in Christ’s Service

  • River of Mercy

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10:00 AM10:00

Imagine Together: A Sense of Awe

  • First Christian Church, Concord (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Colossians 1:15-23
Imagine Together: A Sense of Awe

Audrey Barton, preaching

In the past few weeks, we have looked at how Nehemiah and the Israelites came together to rebuild Jerusalem as inspiration for our own ministry vision. They prayed hard, they worked really hard, stood their ground against opposition and ridicule, confronted injustice within their own ranks, and joined heads, hearts, hands, and a lot of money to accomplish amazing things.

This might leave us a bit overwhelmed. Is anyone tired just listening to all this? How do we find the wisdom, power, holiness, and gratitude to continue? The solidarity? The perseverance in faith?

There is a part of Colossians chapter 1 that is an awe-inspiring ode to the all-sufficiency of Christ. It was the author’s offering to those in that congregation who were tempted to supplement their life in Christ with other avenues to esteem, holiness, and protection from hostile forces. How might we also imagine our ministry lifted up by the riches we have in Christ?

Based on Colossians 1:15-23

Music this week:

  • Hallelujah (your love is amazing)

  • Because of Your Love

  • I Could Sing of Your Love, Forever

  • Holy Spirit Rain Down

  • Offering (Third Day)

  • Bread for the Journey

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10:00 AM10:00

Imagine Together: God Transforms Our Hearts

  • First Christian Church, Concord (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Imagine Together: God Transforms Our Hearts

Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor, preaching

Sometimes, when we read scripture, we realize it was written for a different time and culture. This week is one of those weeks. One of the harsh words Nehemiah says is that the people will not marry anyone outside of their race, religion, and culture. This was written when the people believed they were about to face extinction and wanted to ensure they could maintain their religion and culture. These are harsh words today, and I disagree with them for many reasons. I am sure many of you would disagree with them as well. So, why did I include it? I considered excluding that verse, but I would rather wrestle with how we understand God, God's love for us, God’s love of diversity, and our love for each other.

We now live in a time when many people believe one can love who they love and marry the person they love, regardless of race, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. In 1967, in Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court invalidated state laws that banned interracial marriage. Nearly fifty years later, in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court invalidated state laws that banned same sex marriage. We now understand that diversity is a gift, including diversity of thought. In our church, we celebrate the diversity of our members and friends. We celebrate the fact that all are welcome and that all really does mean ALL! When this congregation voted to become an Open and Affirming congregation in 1992, I am sure there was a lot of discussion and diversity of opinions. Still, God's love for all — God's unconditional love for everyone, transformed hearts. Imagine what will happen when we allow God to transform our hearts!

This text also contains a helpful message: the people gather to support the Temple's work and ministry. As we continue with our Stewardship focus, we are reminded that it takes our heads, hearts, and hands to imagine together what God can do with our offering. Your ongoing support of our mission and ministry helps to create a safe space for all to worship God.

Based on Nehemiah 10:1, 28-39

Music this week:

  • There’s a Light

  • Lord, I Give You My Heart

  • Create in Me a Clean Heart

  • Be Still

  • Take My Life

  • Come Share the Lord

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10:00 AM10:00

Imagine Together: God Transforms Our Thoughts

  • First Christian Church, Concord (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Imagine Together: God Transforms Our Thoughts

Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor, preaching

This will be a busy Sunday in the life of our church!

First, we will begin our stewardship focus. I have changed the theme to "Imagine Together," and we will imagine our congregation, mission, and ministry in 2025. We will imagine the ways God's love transforms our lives through our heads, hearts, and hands. We will still ask the question, "O God, how do You want to make Yourself known at this time, in this community, through this church?" Let's imagine together!

Second, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday. An article about how it started and why we celebrate is found in this week’s Intersections, our church newsletter. Later, at 3 PM, we will honor and remember our furry friends with a Blessing of the Animals.

Finally, we continue in the Book of Nehemiah. In this chapter, the walls and the gates are completed in 52 miraculous days. The community was reorganizing after the Babylonian exile, and most of the people were no longer aware of the Law of Moses. Nehemiah and Ezra are ready to teach the people what the Law of Moses says. They reassure the people to have hope and look positively toward the future. They imagine together what their new community can be as they transform their habits and implement what they are learning.

Maya Angelou said, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better." Nehemiah's people do just that, and so can we! Let's imagine together what amazing things God is calling us to do!

Based on Nehemiah 8:1-9:38

 Music this week:

  • Blessed Be Your Name

  • Let Everything that Has Breath

  • Come and Fill

  • Glory, Glory Lord

  • Be Thou My Vision

  • Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ

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