Justice and Reconciliation
Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor, preaching
The Vision of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is "To be a faithful, growing church that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality, and a passion for justice."
- Micah 6:8
First Christian Church Mission Statement: "We believe that everyone is an equal child of God who deserves deep and meaningful connections, a purpose-filled life, and love expressed through belonging, service, and justice."
What does the Lord require of us? To do justice, to love kindness, and to take God seriously. What does that look like for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)? And what does that look like for First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Concord, California?
What does it mean for First Christian Church to be a faithful, growing church? Part of what it means is that we, like the denomination, demonstrate true community. True community means we advocate for one another and those children of God we may never meet. True community means we deeply listen to one another and create a safe place for all.
We grow in our faith and spirituality through reading, talking, sharing, praying, and laughing toget her.
Watch for information about an Adult Spiritual Formation/Bible Study led by Minister-in-Training Audrey Barton that will start in the Fall!
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has a complicated history regarding justice-seeking. However, we can do hard things. While each congregation sets its own way of being, as a denomination, we have named ourselves an Anti-Racist/Pro-Reconciliation, Open and Affirming, and Green Chalice church. These are not the only things we celebrate or advocate for, but they say a lot about who we are and what is important to us.
This week, we will examine the denomination's vision and our mission statement as a congregation to see how well we live into the vision the prophet Micah set forth.
Based on Micah 6:1-8
Music this week:
There’s a Light
Live A Simple Life
This is My Prayer
What Does the Lord Require of You?
Called as Partners in Christ’s Service
River of Mercy