People from across our region will gather at Lafayette Christian Church in Lafayette, California on March 1st and 2nd. At StoryHour, the theme is "Eureka!" We're telling stories of epiphanies, large and small. We have already recruited 5 storytellers from across the CCNCN Region. Join us to listen to their stories - and engage in dialogue to explore what it means for us to be the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
To register go to this link.
Friday, March 1
1:00pm StoryHour - in person and online across the US and Canada
1:30 to 9pm Begin Transformative Community Conference (TCC) with Dr. David Anderson Hooker
Saturday, March 2
9 to 12noon - Transformative Community Conference (TCC)
12 to 12:30 lunch
12:30 to 3pm TCC