We will observe All Saints Sunday on Nov. 5, when we will honor the "great cloud of witnesses" that have gone before us.
This year we're inviting you to bring pictures of people you have loved and lost in the past. During the service you'll be encouraged to hold them close to your heart as we remember their impact on our lives.
To help us celebrate this sacred day, our guest preacher will be The Rev. Dr. Mary Donovan Turner. She has preached for us before, each each time receiving high praise and rave reviews.
We’ll also be doing several baptisms this Sunday. Over the last 8 weeks a number of our young people have been meeting each Sunday as part of our Baptism & Belonging class, learning about what it means to be baptized and be a part of the community of faith! It seemed fitting to do this on All Saints Sunday, as they too, will become part of the great “cloud of witnesses” who live out our faith and witness to the love and grace of God.
Please join us on November 5.