New Sermon Series: Moving Beyond Belief
Do you believe all the right things, go to church and practice your faith, yet still feel that something is missing? Do you ever find yourself wondering, is this it? Do you ever ask yourself, is there more?
Two thousand years ago Jesus gave an invitation to his followers. At its essence it was not just an assignment to believe; it was a bold call to action.
In this series we’ll be talking about how we might move beyond just believing in God, to putting our faith into action.
April 3
Following Jesus
Mark 8: 34-37
Jesus never asked us to believe in him. He invited us to follow him.
April 10
Loving Unconditionally
Matthew 5: 43-48
We are to love others expecting nothing in return without any reservations. Jesus never said to love “some” of our neighbors.
April 17
Practicing Forgiveness
Matthew 18: 21-22 (23-37)
Love simply keeps no account of wrong-doing.