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In-Person Worship Service

We worship in person, but continue to offer a rewarding, interactive, online worship experience as well. To join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am, you can see us on Facebook Live. We also record the services and post them on our website on our sermons page. If you would like to join us via Zoom, please click here to email our minister, Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor!

What To Expect

We’re excited to have you as our guest! We understand visiting a church for the first time can be nerve-wracking. Here's some information that will make your first visit with us feel as comfortable as possible.  

What time is worship on Sunday morning?

Worship starts at 10:00 a.m. in our sanctuary.

What is worship like?

Expect singing, preaching, praying and celebrating communion --  all in a place where strangers and friends are welcomed to be part of an open and inclusive family of faith. 

Our Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor, and each week’s worship leaders guide things as they go. The worship bulletin provides a rundown of that week's service plus announcements and a calendar of events for the coming week.


Our dynamic worship band, The Way, provides a mix of music. Expect to join in both lively contemporary music that will make you want to clap along, as well as beautiful arrangements of traditional hymns that are beloved by many generations.

The Sermon

 We hear God’s word presented with relevance and depth. Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor, our Senior Minister, and occasional guest preachers relate centuries-old scripture to the struggles of life in the 21st century. Here is what we'll be talking about this week.


We lift the joys and burdens of our lives to God during prayers led by our pastor and worship leaders and during silent prayers.  During a song early in the service, many members light candles on a table to the side of the sanctuary to give light to their prayers.

Celebrating communion

Every Sunday service concludes with communion, a simple meal of bread and grape juice that forms the center of our life together. We also offer gluten-free crackers so all can participate in communion. At FCC, everyone is welcome to take communion, whether you are baptized or not, whether you believe a little or believe a lot.

What should I wear?

We have no dress code.  Feel free to come as you are and dress as you’d like. Here you’ll find all sorts of people from all walks of life. Some people wear a tie or a dress and others have tattoos and piercings. You get the idea. Whatever helps create a spirit of worship in you is fine by us.

Where can I park?

We have plenty of parking, and even make sure to reserve some spots right up front for our guests!   We have several spaces reserved for those needing handicap accessibility as well.

What about Sunday School classes?

We have adult Sunday School from 9 to 9:50 a.m.

Is there something for my children?

Children are always welcome in worship, but we also have nursery care and programming especially designed for our kids.  

Is FCC handicap accessible?

Yes. Each of the entrances are handicap accessible and reserved parking is available near each entrance as well.  (Our sanctuary and Education Wing restrooms are accessible, too!)

Anything else?

We're excited to see you! During the welcome at the beginning of worship, you’ll be invited to fill out a guest card. Feel free to give us as much or as little information as you’d like, and we’ll look forward to connecting with you after your visit. Our Senior Minister, Leslie Taylor, will also be available to meet you following worship.  Please be sure to introduce yourself to her. Our elders are also available after worship for private prayer.