There is no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn. They are displaced from their home, journeying to fulfill their civic requirements to be counted in the census. And yet, the time comes to give birth where they are, and so a humble home is found. A place is made, among the feeding trough, in a cramped room abounding with chaos. In many ways, Jesus is born without an invitation, and yet, he devotes his life to inviting people who are cast out. In the same way, we might imagine the story of Christmas as God’s invitation to be welcomed home despite all barriers. How will we respond? Welcome Home!
Please join us — either on Zoom or in person — for our Christmas Eve candlelight communion service. This is always one of our most memorable and moving services of the year. A special offering will be collected and split between Week of Compassion and the International Rescue Committee Nor Cal - Soft Landing Fund (this organization helps with Afghan refugee resettlement in the Bay Area).
The Zoom link will be our regular worship link; contact Pastor Leslie for information.