On Saturday, October 16th, the House and Grounds Committee will host the monthly church upkeep and repair morning. While we have not been able to worship in person, the need to keep our church home in good working condition has not diminished. The church office is open Monday through Thursday, the Montessori School is open Monday through Friday, Share is open four days a week, and various other groups are using the campus even in the midst of the pandemic. Therefore, the House and Grounds committee could really use your help this Saturday, as we work to clean, weed, prune, etc., in preparation for the time when we will once more being using the FCC campus for Worship and Fellowship.
If you can spare even an hour to help out this Saturday, please come and lend a hand, your efforts will be most appreciated. The work party begins at 8:30am and will conclude at noon. Hope to see Saturday. Please let Bill Bush know if you can attend this Saturday, as it helps in the pre-planning for the tasks to be accomplished as well as gauging for the refreshments to be purchased.