We hope you'll join us for an exciting worship service led by our Mexico Mission team who recently returned from a transformative week building a house for the Melendes Paniangua family who just a few weeks ago lost everything in a fire.
The theme for this service will be "Do+Love+Walk" which is based on the invitation from God through the prophet Micah to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God" (Micah 6:8).
This is always one of our favorite services of the entire year as the youth and young adults (and some young-at-hear adults) share with us some of the stories of what went down that week, but more importantly what it meant to them, and how it is shaping their lives going forward.
We’ll also celebrate you, the congregation, who sent us on this incredible journey! We simply couldn’t have done it without your prayerful support and contributions. So this is also an opportunity for us to say Thank You as well!
Your 2017 Mexico Mission team